Take Your Next Step
What's your next step after you've decided to join Jesus in what He is up to? Letting people around you know! You don't have to wait to be cleaned up and have it all together. In the book of Matthew, Jesus publicly starts his ministry by being baptized. Baptism is a symbol that shows the people in your life that you have decided to join with Jesus and make him your leader and forgiver!
Questions About Being Baptized?
Baptism is your way of telling the world that Jesus is writing a story in your life! You don’t have to wait to be cleaned up and have it all together! It isn’t a graduation or magical act that saves you! It’s a symbol that shows the people in your life that you have decided to join with Jesus and make him your leader and forgiver!
Are you ready to join Jesus? Are you ready to get baptized? Here are some common questions you might have:
+ What is baptism?
Baptism is your public declaration and commitment to follow Jesus as the Savior and leader of your life. Your full immersion under water is a visual representation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew 28:19-20
+ When do I get baptized?
Here are three questions to help you find out if you're ready to be baptized. Canyon Ridge schedules baptism weekends once a month so that you can invite others to be a part of your story. But, you don't have to wait until the next baptism weekend! Follow this link to find out how to baptize on your own if you or someone you love is ready to publically say, "I follow Jesus!" The team at Canyon Ridge can also schedule a baptism anytime you are ready. Acts 8:35-39
+ What do I bring or wear?
If you are baptized at Canyon Ridge, you will be provided a new t-shirt, towels, and a place to change. Please arrive wearing what you plan to be baptized in (dark-colored shirt/shorts/yoga pants) and bring a change of clothes for after.
+ Who can baptize me?
Anyone who is a follower of Jesus! Baptism is a celebration of your commitment to Jesus. Look for a friend or family member that’s helped you along your journey and ask them to baptize you. Follow this link to find out how to have a baptism at home. If you want to be baptized at Canyon Ridge, there is a team ready to baptize, support, and celebrate with you.
+ How do I know if my kids are ready to be baptized?
The Kid's Baptism Class will help you and your Elementary-Age children to better understand and/or begin the conversation of what a commitment to Christ means and then what the next step of baptism by immersion signifies. This class is required for all kids baptized at Canyon Ridge. Check out the events calendar to find out more about the next Kid's Baptism Class.
+ What about infant baptism? How old should my child be?
Since kids come to their decision about Jesus at all different ages, Canyon Ridge does not practice infant baptism. You can still publicly commit to follow Jesus in raising your kids at one of the Child Dedications throughout the year. Check out the events calendar to find out more about the next Child Dedication.
Sign Up For The Next On Campus Baptism
Are you ready to get baptized? Canyon Ridge schedules baptism weekends once a month so that you can invite others to be a part of your story.
Can’t Wait Until The Next Baptism Weekend?
You don't have to! Watch this quick video to find out how to do baptism on your own if you or someone you love is ready to publicly say, "I follow Jesus!"