3 Key Ways to Grow as a Couple
When two people come together and commit to walking together, there is a beautiful opportunity to commit to going together in Jesus’ direction. Whether you are dating or married, there is always room to grow and deepen in trust, partnership, and joy! Here are five ways to grow as a couple:
3 Key Ways to Grow as a Couple
Keep curiosity alive. When you first start getting to know someone after expressing interest, it’s easy to be curious! What do they like, what are they like, what are their values and past experiences, what are their goals and aspirations, etc. Over time, it can be easy to settle into familiarity. You know your person after all right? The thing is, as time goes, people grow, and it’s curiosity that keeps that familiarity fresh. Honor one another by continuing to be curious about one another - what are you learning, what are you feeling, what are you experiencing, what are you struggling with, etc. And also, practice curiosity period - listen to podcasts together, share learnings from an audiobook, etc.! There is so much good in cultivating curious minds and hearts, especially with ones that we love.
Practice hospitality together. There is a beautiful possibility to become a couple that makes space for others to experience goodness. One of the greatest ways to partner meaningfully together is by opening your home and your lives with great generosity, simplicity, and intentionality. Whether it’s hosting dinners and gatherings with neighbors, coworkers, or friends, what happens around the dining table can lead to deeper relationships with others, and with one another. When you cultivate the posture of partnering hosts, it offers the opportunity to live with the other in mind, with great community, and room to express specific appreciation for one another.
Build joy. In a world of chaos and isolation, your relationship has the opportunity to build joy and be a non-anxious presence in an increasingly-anxious world. Whether it’s regularly incorporating rhythms of gratitude, curating moments to experience laughter and explore peace with one another, or it’s by recounting the day or the week with one another and seeing God’s faithful presence and friendship all along, finding ways to be people of joy individually and together will only root your relationship in health and wholeness, as well as become that for others!
Whether you incorporate rhythms into your day to day or month to month, the hope is that you would individually and together explore the good God has for you, helping others to do the same!