5 Ways To Build Daily Habits For Spiritual Growth
5 Ways To Build Daily Habits For Spiritual Growth | By: Leigh-Anne Rainey
When it comes to learning and growing in your faith, there is no greater reason to do so than a relationship with God. The intention and resolution behind God’s Word both point toward the effort; they point toward being mindful on a regular basis. Very rarely do you get to say you’ve made a decision and it just happens. You actually have to do something. Here are five habits you can begin to implement today to learn and grow in your faith:
5 Ways To Build Daily Habits For Spiritual Growth | By: Leigh-Anne Rainey
Read The Bible: Find that Bible your grandmother gave you as a gift years ago but you never opened, or download the Bible app on your phone, or use both! You might wonder which Bible translation is best. Start with one you will actually read (around here at Canyon Ridge, we read the NLT, but are always encouraging others to read in multiple versions and translations). Start in the Gospels and get to know Jesus through his life, ministry, and teachings. There is so much to discover!
Find A Church: There is something to be said for gathering with other followers of Jesus. I give every place I go to, whether it’s a restaurant, dentist, or church time to settle into. Once you find a church that you’re willing to commit to, take next steps to join community: take a class, join a team, a small group or a Bible study!
Pray: Communication with the Author and Creator of the very faith you want to grow in is going to be key. Prayer can be awkward and intimidating at first. You may think, “Are my prayers too long, too short, too silly? Are they worthy of even being listened to, let alone, answered?” Opening up the Bible and reading God’s Word will help you pray. God is pleased that you want to know and to try. He will help you. All you need to do is ask!
Be Intentional With Media: Think about how many hours in a day we all spend with social media. If you’re looking for building daily habits, be intentional with your use of media! There are so many wonderful people using media for good, whether that’s church services, worship music, Bible studies, and more.
Be Mindful: Living a life in the direction of Jesus will ask of you to be aware, observant, and on guard. The enemy will try every trick in the book to distract you, to feed you lies about yourself and others to cause division, even to use good things to make you feel “too busy” to make the time on a daily basis. Practice being aware of God’s goodness as he invites you to grow in relationship with him!
Like anything, growth isn’t linear. Growing in your faith is a journey that requires intentional effort and dedication. With God’s help and daily habits to make space to encounter him, you can continue to learn, grow, and deepen your relationship. So, keep taking those next steps! Share your story, share the Gospel with someone in your life, and celebrate what God is up to one day at a time!