How To Partner With God In Making Decisions
Do you ever find yourself being overwhelmed by the expectations placed on you, whether it comes from family and friends, from the workplace, or even from yourself? When expectation comes from all different directions, it leads to exhaustion. In John 17:4, Jesus says, “I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” Jesus’ invitation to you is to discover your unique contribution and calling in his direction, which becomes clearer when you learn to say no in order to say yes to the better thing. Every choice is a chance to encounter and partner with God, moving towards more meaningful and sustainable days.
How To Partner With God In Making Decisions
When you learn of Jesus’ life and ministry, especially in the Gospel of Mark, there are many times Jesus practiced saying no because he had a sharpened sense of calling. He could’ve done every good thing, but his time on earth was purpose-driven to the greatest thing: the Cross. Here are 3 ways to fight against decision paralysis, and better discern when to say no to good things to say yes to the better thing:
Acknowledge Your Limitations: Everyone has limitations - in terms of time, energy, money, and ability. When you look at these 4 areas (your calendar, your physical health, your relationships, your budget), what is it telling you about your relationship with limits, and where do you need to amend?
Assess Your Pace and Purpose: Jesus’ pace and purpose were overflowing with unhurried presence, the practice of compassion, and invitation. When you look across your life, how closely are you walking in the patient, joy-filled way of Jesus, and what needs to change?
Ask A Different Question: Returning to John 17:4, Jesus’ purpose was clear. When you’re faced with a decision, instead of asking, “Can I do this?” Ask, “Who is this answer for?” Bestselling author James Clear says, “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” When you look at the pattern of your decision-making, what is being revealed about the person you are and the person you’re becoming?
This is more than just knowing when to say yes and when to say no; this is about God inviting you to live with him in all areas of your life. This is about getting clear about who you are, who you’re becoming, and the direction you’re living toward!