3 Ways To Look Back, Around, And Ahead
Thinking about your past, your present and your future, where have you noticed God showing up? God is omnipresent and He is with us every step of the way. He also knows how we can learn from experiences by using the process of reflection to carry on into the future. God’s always thinking of ways we can become more like him and grow closer to him. By reflecting, you can also make an impact on the people around you.
Here are three ways to do so:
Look Back: This invitation is to reflect well to learn and celebrate without judgment, condemnation, or comparison. Assume and expect that God has something for you to learn from and hold onto as you move forward! Ask the following:
What was worth celebrating?
What was a challenge you encountered?
What do you not want to forget?
Look Around: This invitation is to practice curiosity in exploring, discovering, and supporting. As you look across your life, where do you notice God at work? How can you partner with him? Ask the following:
What around you is worth learning more about?
Where do you see God at work in your life?
Who in your life has been a helpful partner to you?
Look Ahead: This invitation is to explore with expectation. As you go with and go to, who and how can you partner with others to make a positive impact? Ask the following:
Who can go to with to make an impact?
Who can you go with to make a impact?
What is upcoming that can be explored?
How can you, as part of God's Church and people, together see and reflect with God? The journey of becoming more and more like Jesus is best done together!