How To Pray With Lectio Divina
Prayer is communication and communion with God - awakening to the reality that everyone has access to God anywhere, anytime, an extraordinary truth in itself. While there are countless ways to pray, Lectio Divina is an ancient practice from monastic tradition that translates from the Latin to “divine or sacred reading.” Psalm 119 says, “How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Rather than simply reading the Word for information, we are listening to God’s Voice through Scripture for formation. We bring our whole selves to Lectio Divina as a spiritual practice of unhurried attention to, full presence with, and daring hope to meet God.
“Learn to know the Heart of God in the Words of God.”
St. Gregory the Great
Here’s how to practice:
Ready: Prepare your posture. Get in a comfortable position. Take slow and deep breaths. Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal and speak. Pray a breath prayer of expectation from 1 Samuel 3:
Inhale: Speak Lord
Exhale: Your servant is listening
Read (Lectio): While you can do this with any passage of Scripture, we will practice with the Scripture passages below. Read unhurriedly, being mindful of what specific words, phrases, or images stand out to you.
Reflect (Meditate/Meditatio): Read through the passage again. You may read it in a different version or translation. As you do, savor and meditate on the words, phrases, or images that stood out the first time. Stay with them, and let God meet you in them. Be curious:
What about those words, phrases, or images that stand out?
What emotions or senses are being prompted?
What memories or present situations are being brought to mind?
What theme might be emerging?
What might God be saying to you? What is his invitation to you?
Respond (Pray/Oratio): Dialogue with God. Share with him what is surfacing in you. Journal a prayer together. Pray through the Scripture passages.
Rest (Contemplate/Contemplatio): Continue to remain in prayerful silence. Notice your breath. Rest in God’s Word. Rest in God’s Presence. Pray your own breath prayer out of what words, phrases, or images God spoke to you. Consider writing them down, and return to them throughout the week.
This week, practice using Lectio Divina to read scripture. You can use this on Psalm 27. Use the steps ready, read, reflect, respond, and rest.